1. I'm experiencing difficulties using your web shop.
This page is best displayed using Google Chrome, Firefox or at least Internet Explorer 9.
last updated - 2013-10-10 03:29:31 |
2. Can I pay with BitCoin or other cryptocurrency?
Unfortunately, at this time, we can not accept payment with cryptocurrency.
It might however be possible in the future!
last updated - 2017-06-28 15:11:33 |
3. "Försändelsen är inlämnad efter senaste inlämningstid och kommer att skickas vidare nästkommande vardag"
Den här statusuppdateringen är mer till för att skapa en rädsla och besvikelse hos mottagaren skulle jag tro, eller mer troligt så har man inte tänkt igenom den ordentligt.
Den betyder att Postens personal har "scannat" in försändelsen efter den tid dom är satt som sista inlämningstid (för kunder). Men försändelsen är ju, uppenbarligen, redan inlämnad så den gäller inte försändelsen i fråga.
Jag har aldrig varit med om att försändelser med det meddelandet har blivit försenade utan dom brukar dyka upp nästa dag precis som vanligt.
last updated - 2013-10-10 03:30:16 |
4. How do I collect my shipment without my notice?
You can always use the tracking number that will be sent to you after your order has been shipped to collect your items.
The tracking number together with identification works as good as the regular notice.
last updated - 2013-05-04 08:33:03 |
5. How do I create an account using my Facebook or Google account?
If you do not have an account with us already such an account will be created automatically with your email address and your name when you press the Facebook or Google logo on the login page.
Once you've accepted that we can get the information disclosed on the pop up an account will be created for you that you can easily access by just being logged in on Facebook / Google and pressing the respective logo on the Login page.
Once registration is complete, you will need to add your birthday and a valid address.
last updated - 2013-05-04 08:34:04 |
6. Why can not I log in with my Facebook or Google account?
To be able to log in by pressing the Facebook or Google logo on the login page your first name, last name and email address must match what you have entered on Facebook / Google.
last updated - 2013-05-04 08:37:11 |
7. Why do you need my date of birth?
Your social security number is only used to verify that you are of legal age. If you are under 18, you may not buy from us.
We take forgery seriously and when it is discovered we will contact the legal guardians and authority.
last updated - 2013-05-04 08:43:43 |